Are You Interested In Funding For Fencing and Planting on your land?Fencing and Planting Partnership with KMR

The Forest Bridge Trust (TFBT) has a funding agreement with the Kaipara Moana Remediation (KMR) program to assist landowners, community groups, local iwi, hapu, and schools to bring the community together behind a common purpose of reducing erosion and sedimentation entering any waterway that drains into the Kaipara Harbour to help restore the health and mauri of the Kaipara Moana and all its associated ecosystems.

To do this, there are a range of remediation activities that are co-funded through the KMR program and can be initiated through TFBT Fencing and Planting Advisors. We can come to you and listen to your aspirations and see how we can help. We can develop a Sediment Reduction Plan (SRP) for your property and help with the organisation of the project. Whether you have waterways, wetlands, remnant forest blocks, slipped and eroding hillsides, or whole areas you want to reforest or regenerate, we are keen to help you on your journey. TFBT works within the Hōteo and Araparera catchments and any property in the Rodney region that drains into the Kaipara Harbour.

KMR has recently launched its Soil Conservation Strategy which significantly expands the landowners’ mitigation options for their properties. TFBT via KMR can co-fund a range of remediation works including:

  • Fencing to protect waterways and wetlands (Setbacks: 1m on man-made drains, 3m on natural waterway without plantings, 5m+ on natural waterways with plantings).
  • Native planting nearby waterways and wetlands.
  • Fencing to protect and restore existing remnant native forest blocks.
  • Managing erodible hill country and slips – using a range of options including:
    • continuous canopy and permanent forest cover using native species or non-weedy, non-pine exotic species (e.g., Eucalypts or redwoods).
    • fencing and weed management to support regeneration of native forest.
    • exotic silvopasture – space planting of poplars while maintaining some grazing (subject to supply).

If you are a community group, marae, iwi/hapū or other collective, KMR can also assist with the costs of group engagement and coordination to plan and manage the project (for example, we can cover some of the costs of a project coordinator, community hui, governance meetings and planting days).

For more information about the above criteria, please visit: or

Alternatively, if you are interested in finding out more or discussing any of these opportunities, please contact TFBT Fencing and Planting team: